Day 1 – Weapons Drawn and The Fitness Test

Welcome to Full Circle Lifestyle Blog. A blog dedicated to how round I am. lol. No, actually I’m documenting my journey from my current weight of  360 pounds to anything south of 250 pounds. I decided the best way to stay focused is to update my blog with the details of my fitness , nutrition and other revelations along the way. Im ready to do battle!

My weapons of choice:

1.Workout Programs – P90x and Insanity . A hybrid of the two. These programs are intense and very effective. I love how the graduates of both programs look. I’d like to push myself to get both these programs down. The fit test starts today. You can see the calendar Im following here.

To find out more about these programs visit





2. Daily Journal and Body Tracker: Fitness HD on the Ipad. Its a great app to find new workouts and to follow your journey in the process. Lots of demonstration videos and an “ask a trainer” button for questions about your workout. I also can keep track of my measurements as well as my weight loss. They also have included a pretty informative magazine with some cool articles on weight loss and building muscle. Ill do another post on other Apps I find useful. There are tons.



3.GymFitness Connection / Planet Fitness. Depending on what city I am in. Cheap rates and great workout facilities. Everything you need is in these gyms. There are better gyms but these will do the job.

So now that I have this stuff ready, a fridge full of healthy goodies is next and Im ready to go. Ill give you guys some insight on nutrition next.

Day 1 of the better healthier me. Off to do my fit test. Ill post my results as I go. Lets Go!